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A message for America


As a citizen of Canada, your neighboring country, I followed the presidential campaign along side you. First, I would like to congratulate Mr. Donald Trump on his win for presidency.

I know that many see this as a win as some see it as a defeat ... but I believe God sees it as an OPPORTUNITY!

No matter how each of you voted, it is important now to honor Mr. Trump as the elected President of the United States of America. The people have spoken! Your voice was heard!

Now, it's time to run along side your government and continue to keep your VOICE heard! Don't cease speaking out on moral and social issues and continue to boldly proclaim TRUTH!

The church is called to be gatekeepers and watchmen of our cities and our countries. So, don't weary in contending for restoration of the foundations that your nation was built on for out of these flows the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. May you continue in prayer to God to see revival, harvest and great kingdom advances in your nation as you bind up the wounds of division and bring healing to your people.

Continue to speak LIFE and blessings over America and for those who govern your land.

I pray tonight for the newly elected president of the United States of America that he is AWAKENED and visibly shaken into the reality of Your Will, God and Your Ways, God! May he then seek Your counsel in all actions on behalf of the people of America and labor fervently to see Your Will done.

May this cause such a shaking within the political influences and trickle into all the mountains of influence so that YOU are revealed in all of this and all will look and see Your Glory spread across the land.

May You impart into the heart of the Republican government Your KINGDOM Dreams for America!


Your friend from Canada

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