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Making a ComeBack

Sometimes we will find ourselves in a boxing ring with the enemy, our opponent who comes out at us circling around and testing us with quick jabs, feeling out for our vulnerable areas. Ouch! Ohhh and then he finds that weak spot, and BOOM out comes the power punch! And we FALL DOWN HARD! But, it's not over! That's not where the fight has to end. Our Heavenly Coach most definitely will call a time-out, assess for injuries and bring us encouragement to keep going. He will always say "Get back up!" and will stretch His hand out to lift us back up. You might want to lay there for a minute or two to regain your composure, but at this point what do you have to lose?! Your opponent has already brought you to the ground .. so there is nowhere to go now but UP! And when that realization comes, your opponent had better step back! Because who dares to mess with a person with the God of the Universe who is their Heavenly Coach making a #ComeBack!!

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