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Finding "Marty"

This morning I woke up and apparently had done some time-travelling in the night as my computer said the time was 2/1/2020. A friend had made a joke to me to check and see if I had a Delorean in my driveway, a joke about the movies "Back to the Future". I then was reminded of the dream I had that night about finding a lost man named "Marty". The main character of the "Back to the Future" movies name is "Marty".

So, in my dream I was outside in the pitch black with some people and we were searching for this man named "Marty". People were calling out his name and we were searching in the dark the best we could, but we could not find him. I decided I would try to call out his name. I began to call out his name, then stopped to listen. I could hear him faintly in the distance. I did this again a couple of times. I would call out his name, listen and hear him. I was able to direct the others where to go to find "Marty".

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