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God has been revealing more to me about the vision I had with "Valiant" and the "Field of Golden Wheat".

I feel like God was showing me that because we had gone through the Harvest Field that had grown so quickly it was significant of a growing and testing process. He was training us to be prepared and was also showing us who was in the Harvest Fields. When we came out the other side, of course we experienced HUGE opposition! Obviously, the enemy was not happy!! He was angry and tried to blow over and crumble the Harvest Field.

But, God showed me that although we appeared small like ants, He would take His magnifying glass and magnify us! Because what would appear as being IMPOSSIBLE being as small as we seemed ... God had the power to make us look HUGE!

In that vision, I believe He was saying He is going to "mark" them out, and we are going to be ready to bring them in. But, we also need to be ready for when BIG OPPOSITION comes because we have to be ready to STAND, FIGHT and be MAGNIFIED by the GLORY of GOD. It's not the Harvest Field for the enemy ... it's the Harvest Field for His Glory!

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