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Resurrecting Dreams

VICTORY FAMILY! Woo hoo! I am sooo pumped today ... three days of a Spirit-Filled Conference in combination with late-night dance partying for the Lord in the hotel room plus lots of coffee equals AWAKENED!! So .... did you know God is in the business of Resurrection!!?? Of course, you do! Yep! Yep! Yep! ;) Well, the word Resurrection is ooohhh such a powerful word with one definition being: "a rising again, as from decay, disuse, etc.; revival". So what does it mean to arise? Well .... come to light, become apparent, appear, emerge, crop up, turn up, surface, spring up .. GET UP or STAND UP! Well this morning, I had a really cool picture that I want to share. Now many of you know me for the saying "READY! SET! GO!" Now, last night at the Women on the Frontlines Conference @Catch The Fire Church at the Toronto Airport, there was a word spoken that God was saying it was time to "GO!" So, in this picture this morning I saw inside an old movie theatre. There was a screen with the old movie projector that used the reel films. On the screen I could see the fuzzy pixelated picture and it was on a countdown. 5 ..... 4 ..... 3 ..... 2 ..... 1 ..... GO! On the screen, a movie then began to play of the DREAM that God has for us! I then was taken to a scene where I saw a huge library of old reel films which I was shown were all dreams that we have had that had been forgotten about or we thought were dead. And I saw that they were being taken off these shelves, being dusted off, put on this old reel film player. God is in the work of resurrecting DREAMS! Dreams we thought were dead ... These dreams are being resurrected from their time of decay, disuse on those old dusty shelves to becoming apparent, emerging, and being projected into the natural realm. And I felt the Lord saying that all we have to do is TURN ON THE REEL by allowing the Holy Spirit to control the projector as the reel turns and each frame (individual picture) of our dreams move around from one place on the reel to the next and so on to be projected into the natural at the exact moment it is supposed to. Did you know the word GO is defined as: move from one place or point to another? Well .. guess what!!! It's soooo soooo soooo GO time!

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