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Future Direction

I had an interesting dream last night where I entered a building/big room similar which looked similar to the sanctuary at our church, but was different. The doorway was at the side middle of this big room (was rectangular in shape - up and down) I entered through the doorway and as I looked straight ahead of me, I saw a few chairs set up and a keyboard. That was all that was in the room. I saw "Poet" (the former Worship Leader/co-pastor of my church).

I knew when I entered the room that I was there to pray along with others for "direction", yet I was the only one in the room at the time along with "Poet". When I entered the room, I turned to the right which was empty space. But, I felt like the space was supposed to be occupied (I remember thinking a pulpit, perhaps?) I got down on my knees and put my head and hands to the floor and began to pray. I began to breathe in Gods presence. In my dream, I could see "Poet" look and turn towards me as I was praying. She stretched out her hand towards me and began to pray for direction. I heard her then say "Singer. Leader." I then sensed that others were walking into the room as I was praying as I could feel and hear their footsteps walking near me and around me.

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