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Sound of the Shofar: Watchmen on Duty

Last night, I experienced something really crazy! As I was lying in bed, I began to hear the sound of a horn that went on forever it seemed. Then I heard the sound of a mighty wind rush in and I could hear the faint sound of singing in the distance. I felt like the horn was the sound you would make when you are "presenting" someone of importance, that the mighty wind was the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the singing was from angels.

This led me to google about "hearing the sound of the shofar".

A webpage led me to this information:

Three basic trumpet calls are sounded in the synagogue during the Rosh Hashanah service. The first is the simple t'kiyah, one long, sustained blast. In ancient Israel, the t'kiyah was a reassuring sound. It signalled that the watchmen guarding the city were on duty and all was well. That sound periodically divided up the watches of the day and night.

This had occured late in the evening close to 3 am.

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