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Last Sunday, I returned to my church home where I had, for a long season, been absent from. The church has new pastors leading it, but I know that the pastors who I will refer to as "Noble" and "Anointed" are called to lead this end times apostolic church. I remember feeling like I was finally back "home".

There is a huge spiritual awakening for those to be prepared for God setting his stage, his perfect placement for these last days. The dreams and visions revealed and the increased attacks from the enemy is only confirmation we are living in those days as Noah lived.

I recall being a young child standing outside on a cut piece of wood preaching to the cows in the field. I remember as a child I trusted the Lord so much that when our house caught on fire, I was on my knees and I prayed fiercely for protection for my bedroom and when the firemen came and put out the blaze, the only room untouched was mine. Although the fire should have engulfed my room, as it did the entire house, mine was not touched. God has been teaching me alot this past week by reminding me of His complete Grace and to trust Him that things that have bound me will no longer. But instead of trying to "fight the fire on my own" in my own efforts, He wants me on my knees in complete surrender and trust. Only then will the chains be loosed!

He is lining up His troops! He is putting people in the front lines, the middle, the back and on the sides. Amen to that! And Amen to a God who is ready to ROAR in protection of His children and have the enemy depart in every which way!

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